Early Intervention Program
Our early intervention program is offered for youths, adults, and their families who are experiencing problems with ATODs (Alcohol, Tobacco, and/or Other Drugs). The program consists of ten sessions, meeting once a week. The sessions are from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Our Monday night family group is for children, adolescents, and individuals who attend with family members. Our Tuesday night group is for adults only, individuals on Diversion or Probation as well as adults from other referral sources. We use videos, group discussion, role play, work sheets, self assessments, and many other experiential activities.
To enroll in the program, an intake is required. At the intake, the assessment is given, required participation forms completed, and fee is set. We encourage family participation, whether it is one of the adults or one of the children in the family who is referred here. Therefore, the fee is on a sliding scale based on the annual income of the family and however additional family members attend at no additional charge. An intake and closure report is sent to the referral source as well as any other pertinent information as appropriate.
Our referrals come from many sources in the local and surrounding counties such as: Adult and Teen Courts, Adult and Juvenile Probation Departments, Schools, Department of Child Services, EAPs, Treatment and other Health Providers, and a few others, as well as Self Referrals. Our sessions include topics such as: Basic Drug Information, Risk & Protective factors, Stages to Addiction, Family Roles, Shame & Addiction, Stress Management, Anger Management, Communication, Media Influence, Decision Making, and others.